
Жена / 32 години / Риби

Таа сега не е на Интернет. Последниот пат беше одамна.

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Етничка припадностЛатино/Хиспанско
ЈазициAнглиски, Руски, Шпански
Големина на бистаГолем
Големината на газотГолем
Боја на косатаБринети
Боја на очитеКафеави

За мене

Hi! its Hanna the charismatic girl! Give yourself the opportunity 2 meet me. I am a milf and my experience I am going to acquire her with your advice and recommendations, help me experience new sensations.

Повеќе ...

Hi! its Hanna the charismatic girl! Give yourself the opportunity 2 meet me

Hi! its Hanna the charismatic girl! Give yourself the opportunity 2 meet me. I am a milf and my experience I am going to acquire her with your advice and recommendations, help me experience new sensations.

Ми се допаѓа

Self-confident, smart men, with a sense of humor, who know what they want and know how to give me pleasure!

Повеќе ...

People who gives me a lot of love...

Self-confident, smart men, with a sense of humor, who know what they want and know how to give me pleasure!

Уверенные в себе, умные мужчины, с чувством юмора, знающие, чего хотят и умеющие доставить мне удовольствие!

Не сакам

People boring and rude to me, also, people who are mean with pets :(

Повеќе ...

Люди скучные и грубые со мной, а также люди, которые плохо обращаются с домашними животными :(

People boring and rude to me

People boring and rude to me, also, people who are mean with pets :(

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