
Жена / 34 години / Вага / интернет!

Времетраење на емитувањето, минути 41

Број на гледачи 30


Italy, pussyland
Етничка припадностБела
ЈазициAнглиски, Италијански
Големина на бистаГолем
Големината на газотСредни
Боја на косатаБринети
Боја на очитеКафеави

За мене

PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY: I am a single mom (so yeah, a real MILF) and I also have a full time job. THIS is not my job. I come online as much as I can but it will never be on a daily basis. So when I do get my perfect ass online you can bet I am ALWAYS horny! I'm never online for more that 2-2.5 hrs even though I wish I could stay longer, so please take advantage of that precious time and FUCK ME LIKE YOU MEAN IT! I'm not a girl, I am a woman, and women like to be teased a bit, I won't deny that, but after that you better pull your pants down and DESTROY me! I want to also thank every one of you for being here and spening your time with me, it means a lot to me! Last but not least, THANK YOU for your tokens, rates and positive vibes! They mean the world to me! Love, Ale ♥

Повеќе ...

I am the woman next door you ve always wanted to have

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