Жена / 21 година / Вага
Таа сега не е на Интернет. Последниот пат беше одамна.
Име | TashaLove (Tasha8-10) |
Каде | Болгария, Бургас |
Етничка припадност | Бела |
Јазици | Руски |
Преференции | Хетеро |
Висина | 156 |
Тежина | 42 |
Големина на биста | Мали |
Големината на газот | Мали |
Пичка | Избричена |
Боја на косата | Црвено коса |
Боја на очите | Сива |
За мене
Я плохая девочка и меня надо наказать
Hey! I am very pleased that you came to me
I'm a bad girl and I have to be punished
Ми се допаѓа
Magic vibration. Excitation is thousands of streams that flow into the river, the sea, the ocean to dissolve you in their stream and throw you ashore, completely devastated, exhausted, but as if reborn.
Ты, твои руки... сразу представляю их на своих бедрах...Твоя улыбка, голос... ЖЕЛАНИЕ в твоих глазах... ЧУВСТВОВАТЬ что ты меня хочешь...
I am very excited by my hands... both the view and their actions. Smile, voice... And most of all it makes a WISH in his eyes... When you really FEEL how he wants me...
Magic vibration. Excitation is thousands of streams that flow into the river, the sea, the ocean to dissolve you in their stream and throw you ashore, completely devastated, exhausted, but as if reborn.